Peñamader Satinado

Satin Varnish for wooden Indoor – Outdoor

Varnish alkyd of very high quality, with a soft handle, satin finish, great penetration and high power of wood protection, especially for the protection of Woods exposed to the weather.
Specific weight 0,92 gr./cc.
Visosity 63″ (Cup ford nº 4)
Fixed material 48 %
Drying time at touch 4 hours
Repainting 24 hours
Finishing Satin
Type of carrier Alkyd resin (not yellowed)
Packaging 375 ml, 750 ml and 4 lt. container
Colour Colourless

Theoric performance 7-9 m2/L ccording the state of the surface
Solvent Universal
Number of components 1
Method of application Brush, roller, spray gun