Efecto Antiguo Toner Nacarado Oro

High decoration painting with a singular finish and golden reflections

Concentrated gold powder toner that is added to the neutral antique effect base to obtain a golden tone with gold effects and nuances.
Color fine gold powder
Finish pearlescent satin
Proportion 200 gr to 400 gr on 2.5 kg of base
Colors According to letter (5,000)
Presentation 200 gr container.
Conservation Keep isolated from moisture

Add the toner in 2.5 kg of neutral base, shake manually (never with a machine) helping us with a spatula, a stick or any other tool that allows us to stir in a not very energetic way until the product is homogeneous. If you want to obtain a more intense color, you can increase the dose up to two toners for every 2.5 kg of neutral base. If, on the contrary, you want to obtain a softer tone, add ½ toner for every 2.5 kg of neutral base. For a greater golden effect, apply a cream-colored background. The surfaces to be treated must be clean of saltpeter, grease, foreign elements and totally free of humidity. It should be applied at temperatures between 8ºC and 35ºC